Fixing What Ails Democracy
By Will Friedman, Public Agenda What does it mean, this chaotic, disturbing, unpredictable electoral season? We'll know more after the dust has settled, but we can't afford...
Deliberative Democracy Consortium
After five phenomenal years of leadership and editorship by Laura Black, Timothy Shaffer and Nancy Thomas, the Journal of Public Deliberation is seeking a new editor or editorial team. The announcement and application instructions are below.
Position: Editor or Editorial Team for the Journal of Public Deliberation
Type: Volunteer
Commencement Date: January 1, 2019
The newDemocracy Foundation, the Deliberative Democracy Consortium (DDC) and the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), who work in partnership to support the Journal of Public Deliberation (JPD), are beginning a search to find the next editor or team of editors for the journal. This peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary publication appeals to practitioners, academics and emerging professionals interested in public participation around the world. JPD is the leading journal in the rapidly growing field of deliberative public participation. The journal is available at:
After five successful years as JPD editors, Laura Black (Ohio University), Nancy Thomas (Tufts University) and Timothy Shaffer (Kansas State University) would like to move on to other challenges and opportunities. During their tenure JPD has continued to be a leading voice in scholarly conversations about the future of deliberative democracy. They have published two issues a year, including thematic special issues on the state of the field, the relationship of deliberation, equity, and equality, and the upcoming issue on the role of deliberative democracy in times of rising authoritarianism. JPD has seen immense growth in both submissions and downloads, with over 7,400 total article downloads from 200 different countries and 3,000 downloads in the past year alone. In addition to scholarly articles, JPD also published reflections from the field and book reviews.
Application Process:
The newDemocracy Foundation, IAP2 and DDC invite expressions of interest in continuing this journal. Those interested in assuming the editorship of JPD are encouraged to apply via email to:
Wendy Willis
Deliberative Democracy Consortium
Applications are due by November 15, 2018
In our search for a new editor or team of editors, we have developed a number of questions for prospective applicants. We ask that you briefly respond to these questions by email and attach a CV and any sample articles or other pieces of work.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact Wendy Willis at
On behalf of the newDemocracy Foundation, the International Association for Public Participation, and the Deliberative Democracy Consortium, we thank you for your interest.