The Deliberative Democracy Consortium (DDC) is an alliance of leading organizations and scholars working in the field of public engagement, participation, and deliberation. Contact us at info@deliberative-democracy.net.
Journal of Public Deliberation
JDP is a global, peer-reviewed, open-access journal in the multi-disciplinary field of deliberative democracy.Membership in DDC
DDC is an alliance of the major organizations and leading scholars working in the field of deliberation and public engagement.Latest News

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Hello Friends of Deliberative Democracy– There’s no two ways about it. I’ve…

What’s Creed Got to Do With It? (A Meditation)
by Wendy Willis Yesterday was my birthday. Though I know it is…
Members & Partners

Institute for Local Government
The Institute for Local Government promotes good government at the local level with practical, impartial and easy-to-use resources for California communities, serving local officials’ information needs for 60 years.

Kitchen Table Democracy
Kitchen Table Democracy works with state leaders to initiate and strengthen programs for collaborative governance and democratic practice, experimenting with new forms of collaboration and supporting networks of collaborative leaders.

The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement focuses on transforming democracy by creating a more fully engaged citizenry through social discourse, research, and educational programs.

The Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy at Kansas State University engages in research, education, and facilitation of civic conversations to promote greater citizen participation in deliberation and public dialogue.

Carsey School of Public Policy, UNH
The mission of the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire is to provide top quality research, leadership development, and engaged scholarship relevant to public policy.

National Institute for Civil Discourse
NICD envisions elected officials who work collaboratively to tackle the big issues facing our country; a media that accurately informs and involves citizens; and a public that actively engages with its government.

National Civic League
The mission of the National Civic League is to advance civic engagement to create inclusive, thriving communities by inspiring, supporting and recognizing equitable approaches to community decision-making.

Kettering Foundation
The Kettering Foundation is a nonprofit operating foundation rooted in the American tradition of cooperative research. Kettering’s primary research question is, what does it take to make democracy work as it should?