The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) focuses on the political life of young people in the United States, especially those who are marginalized or disadvantaged. CIRCLE’s scholarly research informs policy and practice for healthier youth development and a better democracy.

The leading source of authoritative research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans, CIRCLE works nationally with youth-serving organizations to help them understand and assess the impact of their programming, as well as make the case for policy and infrastructure that supports youth engagement. CIRCLE’s research, which is widely cited in scholarly publications and national media outlets, changes public discourse about young people as citizens, showing that youth opinion and actions are important and valuable to democracy.

As part of the Tufts academic community, CIRCLE supports and conducts research within Tisch College and across the university. Examining the Tufts student population, CIRCLE collaborates on a unique longitudinal study on the impact of Tisch College’s work and has explored topics such as the connection between civic engagement and psychosocial well-being.

Peter Levine, Associate Dean for Research and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Tisch College, served as Director of CIRCLE until April 2015.

Visit the CIRCLE website to learn more about their groundbreaking research on youth engagement.

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