Everyday Democracy is a project of The Paul J. Aicher Foundation, a private operating foundation dedicated to strengthening deliberative democracy and improving the quality of public life in the United States.
Our mission is to help communities talk and work together to create communities that work for everyone. We work directly with local communities, providing advice and training and flexible how-to resources.
Our ultimate vision is that local communities create and sustain equitable and inclusive public dialogue that leads to positive change. Such strong local democracies can form the cornerstone of a vibrant national democracy. In this kind of democracy:
- everyone’s voice has an opportunity to be heard, equally and respectfully;
- people of different backgrounds and views routinely work together to create equitable communities;
- elected officials have many opportunities to hear from everyday people;
- people have ways to work with decision-makers to create public policy
(Taken from www.everyday-democracy.org/about.)